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Fall-Related Eye Injuries on the Rise: Tips to Protect Yourself

The annual number of people hospitalized with an eye injury has increased 18 percent in 13 years, and researchers believe most of the spike is due to falls among older adults. As people live longer and elderly adults become more mobile, the rate of falls is likely to continue to increase.

But don’t let that information scare you – there are things that you can do right now to protect yourself and your loved ones from suffering fall-induced injuries.

Read on as Dr. Edward Hedaya of InVision Eye Care shares what you need to know about the key study, and explains how you can reduce your risk or your loved ones’ risk of falling and injuring the eyes.

Key Takeaways from the Study

Reduce Your Risk of Falling and Hurting Yourself

If you are worried about falls and related injuries, Dr. Hedaya recommends taking the following steps to reduce the risk.

Contact InVision EyeCare Today

If glaucoma, cataracts or macular degeneration is interfering with your vision and making you vulnerable to falling, Dr. Hedaya can help. He offers advanced medical solutions to these problems. Consult with Dr. Hedaya today about your options to improve your vision and reduce your chances of suffering a devastating fall.

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